(This can be useful, for example, to run a command as another user on /etc/rc.local)
su - sudouser <<'EOF'
cd /GPO/gpo_backend
/virtualenvs/gpo/bin/celery worker -B --app=gpo_backend.tasks -f /GPO/gpo_backend/log/celery.log -l info --concurrency=1 &
This is using a feature called “Here Document”.
Here Documents are useful to do I/O redirection.
They are specially useful to “scriptize” a command list to some static interactive programs like “su” or “ssh” and quit.
It just won’t work so nice on programs that are require high interactivity (like ncdu, dialog programs, etc).
Another example:
(we are using -t -t to avoid the message “Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.”):
ssh -t -t -p 22 user@ <<'EOF'
# -onlcr: prevent the terminal from converting bare line feeds to carriage return/line feed pairs
# stty -echo -onlcr
df -m
ls -la
# stty echo onlcr