(tested on arch linux)
On Arch linux, through AUR: $ packer -S pyenv pyenv-virtualenv –noconfirm
$ pyenv install –list $ pyenv install 3.5.1
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.5.1 test_351_1
$ pyenv virtualenvs
$ pyenv activate (“name” must come from the list above)
$ pyenv deactivate
For activate
to work, I recommend my .bashrc
which can be found at github at https://github.com/tiagoprn/dot_files/blob/master/.bashrc.
Alternatively, you can use the old source ~/.pyenv/versions/[your-venv]/bin/activate
and deactivate
$ pyenv uninstall
~/.pyenv/versions/ another good reference: http://fgimian.github.io/blog/2014/04/20/better-python-version-and-environment-management-with-pyenv/