Battery (power) management on linux is a little tricky. Here are some notes regarding popular tools used to inspect it.

2022 September 5
  • upower is more reliable and recommended to get information on battery. acpi can also be used, but it has some quirks.

  • To get an overview on all your devices that have a battery (notebook, mouse, etc):

$ upower -d

The “Capacity” statistic compares the original power capacity that the battery had when it was new with the current maximum power capacity. Batteries do lose maximum power charge as they age, and this can be a good way to see if the battery needs replacement.

  • If the battery life indicator at the top of the System Menu or through the CLI seems inaccurate - which can often happen on a new system or after a battery has been replaced, this command will remove the stored battery statistics:
sudo rm /var/lib/upower/*

After a few charge/discharge cycles, the indicator should become more accurate as the system learns how to estimate the correct percentage

  • The TLP power management tool for Linux is popular on other Linux distributions, but it is not compatible with system76-power, and both System76 and the TLP developers do not recommend installing TLP on Pop!_OS.