Weak cohesion: function that does a lot of things
Strong cohesion: function that has a single clear responsability
Coupling: how dependant 2 or more sections of code are on each other. You must have the least coupling possible.
A function that depends on a property of an object and receives the full object is also coupling! Solution: pass only the data the function needs or move its’ code into the object’s class.
Some coupling will always exists
How to detect high coupling: when you change the implementation of a function/method, you have to change it and any other code that uses it - that violates the principle that the code that uses it must not know the implementation details and rely on them.
How to begin refactoring high-coupled code: start creating classes with type hints to iterate and think on the data model (even if your app/script does NOT deal with databases). E.g.:
class VehicleInfo:
brand: str
price: int
electric: bool
class Vehicle:
id: str
licence_plate: str
info: VehicleInfo
Later on, you can start adding methods to those classes as your code evolves. E.g., a “register” method on the “Vehicle” class above.