$ nmcli device wifi list
$ nmcli connection up tiagoprn
$ nmcli connection down tiagoprn
$ nmcli connection add type wifi con-name AWifiNetworkFromSomewhere ssid AWifiNetworkFromSomewhere ifname wlp1s0
$ nmcli connection modify AWifiNetworkFromSomewhere wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
$ nmcli connection modify AWifiNetworkFromSomewhere wifi-sec.psk TheWifiNetworkFromSomewherePasswordHere
$ nmcli connection up AWifiNetworkFromSomewhere
$ nmcli general status
$ nmcli device status
$ nmcli connection show
$ nmcli connection show tiagoprn
$ nmcli connection modify tiagoprn ipv4.dns ""
(then you must deactivate and activate the connection again)$ nmcli connection add tiagoprn ip4.dns ""
$ vim /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/wifi-always-working.conf