2020 July 27

CREATE A UDF FILESYSTEM (Universal Disk Format, used on DVDs and optical disks in general):

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1M count=1 $ mkudffs -b 512 –media-type=hd /dev/sdc


Prepare the bindings:

$ mount –bind /dev /dev $ mount –bind /proc /proc $ mount –bind /sys /sys

Do the chroot:

$ SHELL=/bin/bash chroot <ponto_de_montagem> OR $ exec bash $ chroot /mnt/ /bin/bash

How to boot Arch Linux on GRUB2 (“e” edit mode):

set root=(hd0,0) linux /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda1 ro initrd /boot/kernel26.img boot

See all active ports on a host:

$ netstat -netlp

2 ways to see if a port is active on linux (e.g., a port 9000 from php5-fpm):

$ netstat -netlp | grep ‘9000’ $ lsof -i tcp:9000 -n

Boot a bootable usb stick ISO through qemu:

$ qemu-system-x86_64 -hda /dev/sdx $ qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom filename.iso

Total lines on a file:

$ wc -l [nome_arquivo]

Change all commas on a file with a big line for “\n”:

$ cat query_demorada_ids.txt | sed ’s/,/\n/g’ > query_demorada_formatted.txt

Export a aspell’s dictionary to file:

aspell –encoding UTF-8 -l pt_BR dump master > /tmp/brasil.txt (we must have the pt_BR dict for it to work)

Get a distros’ version:

$ cat /etc/issue OR $ cat /etc/os-release

Test if the name resolution (DNS) is working on a machine:

$ dig [nome_do_dominio] (if not resolving, will return blank)

How to make a machine respond from many IPs:

After raising “eth0” interface, ou equivalent: #multi_ips.sh #!/bin/bash ifconfig eth0:0 netmask ifconfig eth0:1 netmask ifconfig eth0:2 netmask ifconfig eth0:3 netmask ifconfig eth0:4 netmask ifconfig eth0:5 netmask ifconfig eth0:6 netmask ifconfig eth0:7 netmask ifconfig eth0:8 netmask ifconfig eth0:9 netmask ifconfig eth0:10 netmask ifconfig eth0:11 netmask ifconfig eth0:12 netmask ifconfig eth0:13 netmask ifconfig eth0:14 netmask ifconfig eth0:15 netmask ifconfig eth0:16 netmask ifconfig eth0:17 netmask ifconfig eth0:18 netmask IMPORTANT: put the IPs from eth0:0 to the last in an IP’s range different from the IP on the main eth0. To confirm, after setting the IPs, run: $ ifconfig -a I could put this script on my /etc/rc.local, e.g.. As an alternative way: edit the ips configuration file: $ vim /etc/network/interfaces:

The loopback network interface

auto lo iface lo inet loopback

The main network interface (in this case, as DHCP IP)

auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp

The main network interface (as STATIC IPs)

auto eth0:0 iface eth0:0 inet static address netmask broadcast auto eth0:1 iface eth0:1 inet static address netmask broadcast auto eth0:2 iface eth0:2 inet static address netmask broadcast

Rsync example:

/* RSYNC PARAMETERS: r: recursive c: uses checksum to get if a file changed h: human readable output z: compress data during transfer P: continues (resumes) from where it previously stopped (partial) v: verbose i: detailed information on what has been done with the file progress: shows tranfer progress iconv: origin and destination character set encoding. E.g.: latin1,utf8 log_file: the log file, with all operations made delete: deletes files to keep origin and destination synchronized bwlimit: maximum bandwidth limit to use, in kbps IMPORTANT: –dry-run : simulates the transfer, but don’t touch the filesystem (useful to predict what will be done, as a DEBUG mode) / rsync -rchzPvi –bwlimit=300 –progress –iconv=latin1,utf8 –log-file=log.txt –delete projetos_tiagoprn/ projetos_tiagoprn_ALL /* Below, ignores folders and file with .svn and .git on their names. / rsync -rchzPvi –bwlimit=300 –progress –iconv=latin1,utf8 –log-file=sync.txt –delete –exclude ‘.svn’ –exclude ‘.git*’ /origin/* /destiny/folder /* Below, makes rsync to a remote server, through ssh, on a server that listens to a ssh connection on a non-standard port. / rsync -rchzPvi –bwlimit=100 –progress –iconv=latin1,utf8 –log-file=/tmp/rsync.txt –delete –exclude ‘~’ –exclude ‘.BAK’ /origem/ -e “ssh -p 22000” user@remoteserver.net:/destination_folder RSYNC AS A DAEMON: http://kezhong.wordpress.com/2010/12/01/rsync-backup-in-daemon-mode/ RSYNC WITH EXCLUDE FILE: EXCLUDE_FILE /dev/* /proc/* /sys/* /media/* /mnt/* /run/* /tmp/* rsync -avc –exclude-from=EXCLUDE_FILE / /mnt RSYNC OVER SSH ON NON-DEFAULT PORT: rsync -rchzPvi –progress yum.repos.d/ -e “ssh -p9999” root@

Grep matching on the first command, not matching from the other pipes:

$ grep -rn ‘string_to_find’ . | grep -v ‘cache’ | grep -v ‘.svn’ Neste exemplo, ele vai procurar ‘string_to_find’ recursivamente na pasta mostrando o número das linhas onde a string foi encontrada, mas vai ignorar os resultados onde ele encontrar as strings “cache” e “.svn”.

Recursive wget:

$ wget -k -r -p http://www.site.com The -r option recurses through the site’s links starting at http://www.site.com/index.html. The -k option rewrites the downloaded files so that links from page to page are all relative, allowing you to navigate correctly through the downloaded pages. The -p option downloads all extra content on the page, such as images. This way, you can get a mirror of a site on your desktop. wget also handles proxies, cookies and HTTP authentication, along with many other conditions.

wget with proxy:

Wget is a super-useful utility to download pages and automate all types of web related tasks. It works for HTTP as well as FTP URLs. To get wget to use a proxy, you must set up an environment variable before using wget. Type this at the command prompt / console: $ export http_proxy=“http://proxy.example.com:8080” Replace proxy.example.com with your actual proxy server. Replace 8080 with your actual proxy server port. You can similarly use ftp_proxy to proxy ftp requests. E.g.: $ export ftp_proxy=“http://proxy.example.com:8080” Then you should specify the following option in wget command line to turn the proxy behavior on: proxy=on Alternatively you can use the following to turn it off: proxy=off You can use proxy-username="user name" and proxy-passwd="password" to set proxy user name and password where required. Replace user name with your proxy server user name and password with your proxy server password. Another alternative is to specify them in http_proxy / ftp_proxy environment variable as follows: $ export http_proxy=“http://username:password@proxy.example.com:8080



$ gpg -r B47B5D91 -se encriptar.txt


$ gpg -d encriptado.gpg > encriptado.txt (cheatsheet: http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~lockhart/gpg/)

Cron scripts:

$ crontab -e 59 23 * * * /home/tiago/script.sh > /home/tiago/script.log 2>&1 Important:

  • the ‘2>&1’ parameters indicates that the standard error STDERR (2>) is redirected to the same file pointed by the standard output STDOUT (&1) - so, the STDOUT and STDERR from the scripts will be on /home/tiago/script.log.
  • The logs from the cron scripts are at /var/log/cron. The format is:

Minute Hour Day of Month Month Day of Week Command

(0-59) (0-23) (1-31) (1-12 or Jan-Dec) (0-6 or Sun-Sat)

0 5 * * * /home/user/my_command.sh

User creation:

$ useradd -m -d /home/newuser -g users -G wheel,admin,docker newuser , where: -d: the user home directory -g: the user default group -G: other groups, separated with a comma “newuser”: name (login) of the user You can change the user’s password like that: $ passwd newuser

Change a user’s shell:

  • Logon as the user;
  • Run chsh, specifying the shell’s full path: Ex.: $ chsh -s /bin/bash

tmpfs - or how to keep some files in RAM:

To get 2Gb of space for files in RAM, edit /etc/fstab to add the following line: tmpfs /var/ramspace tmpfs defaults,size=2048M 0 0 After that, /var/ramspace is now the place to store your files in memory.

Check a file system utilization on the console (CLI equivalent to baobab):

$ ncdu


$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -p [remote_ssh_port] remoteuser@

I can also use a “.pem” file to ssh into a machine, like with amazon.

$ ssh -i my_file.pem user@remotehost

Current user UID / GID:

$ id Sample output: uid=1000(tiago) gid=1000(tiago) grupos=1000(tiago),0(root),10(wheel),100(users),108(vboxusers),142(docker)



$ sshfs -o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_rsa myuser@REMOTE_IP:/home/tparanhos/shared /remotes/REMOTE_NAME


$ sudo umount /remotes/REMOTE_NAME

Listen to connections coming from specific IP (tcpdump):

To monitor HTTP traffic including request and response headers and ssage body from a particular source: $ tcpdump -i eth0 -n -vvv -s 0 ‘src and tcp port 80 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)«2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)»2)) != 0)’ -w /tmp/tcpdump.txt OBS.: I can exchange “src” for “dst” to get requests with a given DESTINATION.

How to enable the login message (banner) from /etc/issue after the ssh login prompt:

  • open “/etc/ssh/sshd_config”
  • Uncomment the “Banner” section and point to the file: (e.g.: /etc/issue) Banner /etc/issue

How to run a command x times in “parallel”:

That can be used for simulating 100 simultaneous curls to a given URL to test how a server performs under a high number of requisitions: $ parallel -j 1000 ./test.sh ::: {1..1000} (where “test.sh” is a script with one or more “curl” commands)

To simulate X concurrent users to load a web server:

$ yum install siege $ siege -b -c50 -d1 -t60S -i -f urls.txt WHERE: -c: number of concurrent users. -d: random interval between 0 and NUM that each “user” will sleep for between requests -t: time to run the benchmark. E.g.: -t60S (60 seconds) -t1H (1 hour) -t120M (120 minutes) -f: a file containing the URLs to be reached. -i: randomly select the URLs from the file. -D: Debug mode -g: is used for testing siege, for it to behave like “curl”. E.g.: $ siege -H ‘Accept: application/json’ -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -g ‘http://localhost:5001/normalize POST {“sku”: {“sku”: “260”}}’ NOTE:

  • For 50 hits a second you would run it like this: -c50 -d1. We’ve had people ask about configurations like -c1000 -d1. A single pre-forking apache server cannot handle such load without modification. It has a hardcoded limit of 256. (http://www.joedog.org/siege-faq)
  • During the “siege”, you should monitor the target machine %CPU and Memory (htop and uwsgitop must be nice for that). Specially if you are trying to tuneup nginx / uwsgi. Try to keep all cores busy, but with some margin of free %CPU / Memory.
  • How to build a “urls.txt” file from an webserver access log: http://www.joedog.org/siege-faq/#a21
  • How to make a POST request: (reference: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/siege-users/sO-H1myTSMg) E.g.: $ siege -H ‘Accept: application/json’ -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -g ‘http://localhost:5001/normalize POST < input.json’ OR $ siege -H ‘Accept: application/json’ -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -D -b -c5 -d1 -t10S ‘http://localhost:5001/normalize POST {“sku”: {“sku”: “260”, “available”: true, “description”: “Primeiro integrante da linha Pirelli Green Performance, o novo Cinturato P1 é um pneu para carros de pequeno porte, com alto grau tecnológico, que oferece performance com confiabilidade e segurança.”, “url”: “http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/loja/pneus/pneu-pirelli-175-65r14-cinturato-p1-82t.html", “price”: “246,56”, “instalments”: “12”, “special_price”: “231,77”, “name”: “Pneu Pirelli 175/65R14 Cinturato P1 82T”, “_created_at”: “null”, “image_url”: “http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/loja/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/288x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/p/1/p1_3.jpg", “instalment_value”: “20,55”, “_original_values”: null, “_specs_html”: ["<div class="std"> <p class="NormalWeb5">Primeiro integrante da linha Pirelli Green Performance, o novo Cinturato P1 é um pneu para carros de pequeno porte, com alto grau tecnológico, que oferece performance com confiabilidade e segurança.<p class="NormalWeb5">As medidas disponíveis no lançamento vão de 13" a 15" e equipam veículos como Fiat Palio, Uno e Punto, VW Gol, Polo e Fox entre outros.<p class="NormalWeb5"> <p class="NormalWeb5"> <p class="NormalWeb5">O Cinturato P1 tem como diferenciais:<p class="NormalWeb5"> <p class="NormalWeb5">- Novos compostos e desenho de banda de rodagem que oferecem segurança e ótima performance.- Desenho de banda de rodagem e sulcos profundos que garantem melhor performance em pisos molhados, reduzindo a distância de frenagem a 80 Km/h em 3% em relação ao produto atual.- Reforços nos ombros externos que otimizam aderência lateral em todas condições de asfalto, proporcionando melhor segurança em superfícies molhadas.- Redução de ruído percebido de 30%  em comparação com pneus semelhantes o que proporciona  maior conforto e menor estresse ao motorista.- Desgaste uniforme que permite um desempenho constante ao longo de toda vida útil desta nova linha.  Especificações Técnicas: Pneu Pirelli 175/65R14 Cinturato P1 82T<table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="375"><td width="170">Modelo:<td width="199">Cinturato P1Marca:<td width="199">Pirelli Largura:<td width="199">175Perfil:<td width="199">65Aro:<td width="199">14 Índice de Carga:<td width="199">82 (Suporta até 475 kg) Índice de Velocidade:<td width="199">T (Veloc. máxima de 190 km/h)   Garantia: Garantia do fornecedor: 60 meses da data de fabricação. SAC da Pirelli: 0800 728 7638  Cuidados: 1 - As pressões devem ser verificadas regularmente em pneus frios (incluindo o de reserva). Nunca reduza a pressão do ar enquanto os pneus estiverem quentes, pois é normal que ela cresça além das pressões frias. 2 - Os pneus devem ser substituídos quando suas superfícies demonstrarem sinais de desgaste, mesmo que o desgaste seja somente parcial (ex.: desgaste irregular) 3 - Verifique o carro periodicamente e/ou os impactos do desgaste anormal 4 - Faça o balanceamento dos pneus periodicamente, ou quando ocorrer vibração 5 - Quando ocorrerem impactos ou furos verifique também a parte interna do pneu 6 - Nunca estacione sobre locais com óleo, solvente, etc.; eles podem causar danos aos pneus 7 - Cumpra o código de velocidade e o índice de carga 8 - Os pneus radiais (mesmo os novos) devem sempre ser montados no eixo traseiro; a instalação deve estar sempre correta e completa 9 - O estilo e a velocidade da direção afetam diretamente a vida dos pneus 10 - Faça uma verificação geral de condição dos pneus regularmente.  <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/tabela_pirelli.pdf" target="_blank">Clique aqui e acesse a Tabela de Pressão de Pneus. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/leitura_pneu.jpg" target="_blank">Clique aqui e veja como se lê um Pneu. ”, “<table class="data-table" id="product-attribute-specs-table" width="100%"> <th class="label" style="width:25%">Código<td class="data" style="width:25%">20274<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Peso (kg)<td class="data" style="width:25%">6.2670<th class="label" style="width:25%">Aro<td class="data" style="width:25%">14<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Altura (cm)<td class="data" style="width:25%">58,31<th class="label" style="width:25%">Carga<td class="data" style="width:25%">82 - até 475 kg[<a href="http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/site/pneus/conhecendo-o-pneu#a21" target="_blank">?]<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Desenho<td class="data" style="width:25%">Assimétrico[<a href="http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/site/pneus/conhecendo-o-pneu#a26" target="_blank">?]<th class="label" style="width:25%">Direcional<td class="data" style="width:25%">Não[<a href="http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/site/pneus/conhecendo-o-pneu#a27" target="_blank">?]<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Índice<td class="data" style="width:25%">T - até 190 km/h[<a href="http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/site/pneus/conhecendo-o-pneu#a20" target="_blank">?]<th class="label" style="width:25%">Largura (mm)<td class="data" style="width:25%">175<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Largura (cm)<td class="data" style="width:25%">17,5<th class="label" style="width:25%">Modelo<td class="data" style="width:25%">Cinturato P1<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Profundidade (cm)<td class="data" style="width:25%">58,31<th class="label" style="width:25%">Temperature<td class="data" style="width:25%">B[<a href="http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/site/pneus/conhecendo-o-pneu#a18" target="_blank">?]<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Tipo<td class="data" style="width:25%">R<th class="label" style="width:25%">Tipo de Pneu<td class="data" style="width:25%">Passeio<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Traction<td class="data" style="width:25%">A[<a href="http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/site/pneus/conhecendo-o-pneu#a17" target="_blank">?]<th class="label" style="width:25%">Treadwear<td class="data" style="width:25%">420[<a href="http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/site/pneus/conhecendo-o-pneu#a11" target="_blank">?]<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Perfil<td class="data" style="width:25%">65<th class="label" style="width:25%">Fabricante<td class="data" style="width:25%">Pirelli<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Inmetro (Certificado / Registro)<td class="data" style="width:25%">04P-0002 / 002<th class="label" style="width:25%">Intelipost Prazo do Produto<td class="data" style="width:25%">Não<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"><th class="label" style="width:25%">Valor Frete Embutido<td class="data" style="width:25%">Não<th class="label" style="width:25%">Subsidio Fora de Frete Grátis(Intelipost)<td class="data" style="width:25%">Não<td class="espaco" style="border:none;"> ”], “id”: “caçula_de_pneus-260”, “_meta”: {“spider_name”: “caçula_de_pneus”, “request_url”: “http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/loja/pneus/pneu-pirelli-175-65r14-cinturato-p1-82t.html", “referer”: “http://www.caculadepneus.com.br/loja/pneus-pirelli.html", “spider_run_id”: “caçula_de_pneus-1424712277.05-1746951682297462794”}}}’

Another alternative to simulate loading an http server: httperf

$ httperf –server hostname
–port 80 –uri /test.html
–rate 150 –num-conn 27000
–num-call 1 –timeout 5 This command causes httperf to use the web server on the host with IP name hostname, running at port 80. The web page being retrieved is “/test. html” and, in this simple test, the same page is retrieved repeatedly. The rate at which requests are issued is 150 per second. The test involves initiating a total of 27,000 TCP connections and on each connection one HTTP call is performed (a call consists of sending a request and receiving a reply). The timeout option selects the number of seconds that the client is willing to wait to hear back from the server. If this timeout expires, the tool considers the corresponding call to have failed. Note that with a total of 27,000 connections and a rate of 150 per second, the total test duration will be approximately 180 seconds, independent of what load the server can actually sustain. Once a test finishes, several statistics are printed. An example output of httperf is: Total: connections 27000 requests 26701 replies 26701 test-duration 179.996 s Connection rate: 150.0 conn/s (6.7 ms/conn, <=47 concurrent connections) Connection time [ms]: min i.I avg 5.0 max 315.0 median 2.5 stddev 13.0 Connection time [ms]: connect 0.3 Request rate: 148.3 req/s (6.7 ms/req) Request size [B]: 72.0 Reply rate [replies/s]: min 139.8 avg 148.3 max 150.3 stddev 2.7 (36 samples) Reply time [ms]: response 4.6 transfer 0.0 Reply size [B]: header 222.0 content 1024.0 footer 0.0 (total 1246.0) Reply status: ixx=0 2xx=26701 3xx=0 4xx=0 5xx=0 CPU time [s]: user 55.31 system 124.41 (user 30.7% system 69.1% total 99.8%) Net I/O: 190.9 KB/s (1.6"10^6 bps) Errors: total 299 client-timo 299 socket-timo 0 connrefused 0 connreset 0 Errors: fd-unavail 0 addrunavail 0 ftab-full 0 other 0 (reference: http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/linux/httperf/wisp98/httperf.pdf)


SITUATION 1: You want to map directly to the remote host.

To the same machine used as “gateway”: $ ssh -f tparanhos@ -L8888: -N (gateway:, target: , where: -f = (optional parameter) go into the background just before it executes the command tparanhos@ = username@server (you must have an account on it for the ssh connection to establish, so you then can forward the port.) -L8888: establishes the tunnel. The syntax is: -Llocal-port:host:remote-port (NOTE: the “host” can be ANY host, assuming that it is acessible through “username@server”.) -N: (optional parameter) do not execute a command on the remote system. This will forward the local port 8888 to port 80 on, with the nice benefit of everything to be encrypted through ssh. Note:

  1. You can use that to redirect HTTP traffic, SMTP traffic, and basically every service that binds to a TCP port.
  2. If the above does not work, try to not passe the optional parameters above (-f -N).
  3. You can redirect in “chain”: From my local machine to a remote one and another machine accessible by the remote one. The Note [2] above also applies.
  4. If it returns a “channel forbidden error” (add -vvv to the ssh commands above to enable the detailed connection log) and if I have configured an nginx python uwsgi app, I must explicitly say on the nginx configuration I want to listen on the remote host IP/name I am trying to establish the tunnel to. E.g.: … server { listen 80; server_name localhost TMC-LINUX.shm.com.br; resolver; … Otherwise, if I have just configured localhost or above on nginx, I will keep receiving these channel errors. :) The same applies if the service is postgresql or mysql or another service (they have to be listening on the specified IP, not only localhost/

SITUATION 2: You have the scenario below:

NAT: RABBITMQ: , where to reach RABBITMQ, I just can do so connecting first with NAT through my ssh credentials (instead of NAT I could use another machine, it just would have to be on the same network as RABBITMQ). This is how I setup the tunnel: $ ssh -f tparanhos@ -L15672: -N , which gives us the formula: $ ssh -f user@NAT -L[LOCALHOST_PORT]:[RABBITMQ_HOST]:[RABBITMQ_PORT] -N Finishing that, I can access RABBITMQ directly, since it will be mapped to localhost:15672. And all the traffic will be encrypted through ssh. HOW TO MAKE A REVERSE SSH TUNNEL: http://xmodulo.com/access-linux-server-behind-nat-reverse-ssh-tunnel.html

Send mail through the terminal:

$ mail -a /opt/backup.sql -s “Backup File” user@example.com,user2@example.com < /dev/null , where: -a is used for attachments -s is used for defining subject for email.

Change some text recursively on all files on a specific directory:

$ cd /home/www $ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i ’s/subdomainA.example.com/subdomainB.example.com/g’


  1. Create the file that will be the swapfile: $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=10000000 In this example, it will create a swapfile as /swapfile with ~10GB in size.
  2. Secure the file, otherwise it will not be used on fstab: $ chown root:root /swapfile $ chmod 0600 /swapfile
  3. Create a swap filesystem on the file: $ mkswap /swapfile
  4. Enable the swapfile immediately: $ swapon /swapfile
  5. Permanently add the swapfile to /etc/fstab: /swapfile none swap sw 0 0

CHANGE HOSTNAME (centos / systemd enable distributions):


$ hostnamectl set-hostname mt-extracoes-business_utils To check it really changed: $ hostnamectl status


$ vim /etc/hostname (type the hostname in the file). $ hostname -F /etc/hostname


You can use it to get a specific “columna” of a command’s output on terminal. Combined with grep and cat, can be a simple way to filter command outputs on terminal. E.g: To get the first column of “docker ps”: $ docker ps | awk ‘{print $1}’ To get more that one column: $ ps aux | grep worker.py | awk ‘{print $2, $9, $10, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18}’ awk splits columns by spaces. So, if on one of the lines I have and extra space, it could result on a mess with the columns. In that case, it could be useful to use “cut” as an alternative.

How to concatenate strings between vars with awk:

E.g..: Concatenate the first 2 columns, separating with a “:”: $ docker images | grep scrapy precifica/scrapy latest 79fba72e40c7 23 minutes ago 317.9 MB precifica/scrapy 20160504.0929.59 4f7853f49d3d 29 minutes ago 317.9 MB precifica/scrapy 20160504.0914.17 2ffa69250fab 44 minutes ago 320.4 MB precifica/precifica-scrapy-freelas 20151026.1739.24 ac3624be9d6e 6 months ago 793 MB $ docker images | grep scrapy | awk ‘{v=$1”:"$2; print v}’ precifica/scrapy:latest precifica/scrapy:20160504.0929.59 precifica/scrapy:20160504.0914.17 precifica/precifica-scrapy-freelas:20151026.1739.24

Set the SO timezone to Brazil and configure NTP:

  1. Sets the timezone to Brazil (São Paulo) $ ln –s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Brazil/East /etc/localtime If that does not work: $ cp -farv /usr/share/zoneinfo/Brazil/East /etc/localtime
  2. Install ntp $ yum install ntp
  3. Edit the file to use Brazil’s server pool: $ vim /etc/ntp.conf Change the “server” line to: server br.pool.ntp.org
  4. Enable and start the daemon: $ service ntpd enable $ service ntpd start

date command print with milliseconds:

$ date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%N


Toggle terminal full screen: [Ctrl][Shift]x

SSH: Configure an alias to an ssh connection, so you don’t have to specify ports each time if it listens on other than 22:

backup server

Host backup_server HostName Port 29020 From now on, you can ssh, scp and rsync to this server refering to it as e.g. tiago@backup_server.

SSH: How to avoid “broken pipe” messages on connecting to a SSH server - and also how to use different keys for different hosts:

$ vim ~/.ssh/config Host * TCPKeepAlive yes ServerAliveInterval 60 ServerAliveCountMax 120 #Default GitHub (“workspace” folder) Host github.com HostName github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Github for personal project (my personal projects - “github” folder)

Host github-personal HostName github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gh_personal_projects

Github for personal project (my personal projects - “github” folder)

Host bitbucket HostName bitbucket.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_bb_key That will send a packet for the server (TCPKeepAlive) at each 60 seconds (ServerAliveInterval), to keep the connection active and avoid the broken pipe. It will allow a total of 2 hours (ServerAliveCountMax: 120 times * 60 seconds) of inactivity in the session. Also, it will automatically change the ssh key required to the hosts above (including 2 different keys depending on the repository on github). NOTE: To generate a new ssh key: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “your_email@example.com” (it will ask you for the location of the new key, which you may change if you want another one)

SSH: How to get info on a key

$ ssh-keygen -lf id_rsa 2048 SHA256:DkHk1i5a6Q5yBlK5REiCoeqNUrqgCc2/eGB4QSS5MBZk tiago@imaginary (RSA)

Show an SSH key fingerprint:

$ ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf id_rsa 2048 MD5:c0:a3:a0:7a:60:0a:60:64:b1:4e:f7:40:da:7c:86:ef tiago@jeitto (RSA)

Generate an HTTP BASIC token from a user/password combination:

$ echo -n user:pass | openssl enc -a

How to make curl show the REQUEST/RESPONSE HEADERS and the RESPONSE BODY:

Just use the “-v” parameter. E.g.: $ curl -v ‘http://localhost:8888/version’ Output:

  • Trying ::1…
  • Connected to localhost (::1) port 8888 (#0)

GET /version HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8888 User-Agent: curl/7.44.0 Accept: /

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 < Etag: “383be678ad2bafadce4482ecf7dc3c2f87203982” < Server: TornadoServer/4.3 < Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2015 02:37:36 GMT < Content-Length: 48 <

  • Connection #0 to host localhost left intact {“last_build”: “2015-11-28”, “version”: “3.5.1”} On the curl output above: “*” prefixes a debug logging “>” prefixes the REQUEST headers “<” prefixes the RESPONSE headers. The last line is the RESPONSE BODY.


nohup: turn any command “immune” to termination signals. It is useful, for instance, when you don’t have screen or tmux installed on a server but you must make sure that the command runs even if you logout of your session. You can also run in in conjunction with “&” at the end, to make any command run in background.

Send emails through CLI:

$ yum install sendmail $ yum enable sendmail $ yum start sendmail $ echo “This is the email contents.” | mail -s “That is the subject” projects@tiagoprnl.me You can use that, for instance, to send e-mails from cronjob execution automatically. For that, add below to the first line of your crontab: MAILTO=projects@tiagoprnl.me


$ vim ~/.bashrc (on Arch Linux) $ vim ~/.bash_profile (on other distros?) Then, $ source ~/.bashrc ( or ~/.bash_profile)

chown / chmod - copy permissions/owner from another file:

$ chmod –reference=haproxy.cfg.ORIG haproxy.cfg $ chmod –reference=haproxy.cfg.ORIG haproxy.cfg Above, will copy the same owner/permissions from haproxy.cfg.ORIG into haproxy.cfg.

AUTOSSH - normal and reverse ssh tunnels:

Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels. Can be called at boot time - creating a systemd init file to automatically establish a tunnel. This can be useful, e.g., to access your home connection from DigitalOcean or another cloud provider (using a Reverse tunnel). IMPORTANT: Authentication through keys without password must be enabled for it to work.

“NORMAL” tunnel (map port from a remote server on a local machine - parameter “-L”):

$ autossh -M 10984 -o “ExitOnForwardFailure=yes” -o “PubkeyAuthentication=yes” -o “PasswordAuthentication=no” -o “ServerAliveInterval 60” -o “ServerAliveCountMax 3” -L 22131:localhost:22131 tiago@

“REVERSE” tunnel (map local machine port on a remote server - - parameter “-R”):

$ autossh -M 10984 -o “ExitOnForwardFailure=yes” -o “PubkeyAuthentication=yes” -o “PasswordAuthentication=no” -o “ServerAliveInterval 60” -o “ServerAliveCountMax 3” -R 22131:localhost:22131 tiago@ (more at: http://www.debianadmin.com/howto-use-ssh-local-and-remote-port-forwarding.html)

Example Makefile with parameters to some commands:

help: @echo -e “\nHELP:\n” @echo -e " make clean \n\tDeletes the *.pyc files\n” @echo -e " make crawl-normal SPIDERNAME=amazon \n\tRun scrapy (normal speed).\n” @echo -e " make crawl-slow SPIDERNAME=amazon \n\tRun scrapy (slow speed to avoid blocking).\n" @echo -e " make config-devel \n\tUpdate the config files to run the app on this environment.\n" @echo -e " make config-homol \n\tUpdate the config files to run the app on this environment.\n" @echo -e " make config-prod \n\tUpdate the config files to run the app on this environment.\n" @echo -e " make config-freelas \n\tUpdate the config files to run the app on this environment.\n" @echo -e " make exec \n\t Enter the container.\n" clean: @echo -e “\nDeleting pyc files…\n”; rm -fr find . -name "*.pyc"; @echo -e “\nDeleting pyc files…[DONE]\n”; crawl-normal: @printf “Crawling $(SPIDERNAME) (normal) …[WAIT]\n” @printf “Crawling $(SPIDERNAME) (normal) …[DONE]\n” crawl-slow: @printf “Crawling $(SPIDERNAME) (slow) …[WAIT]\n” @printf “Crawling $(SPIDERNAME) (slow) …[DONE]\n” config-devel: echo ‘Updating configuration…[WAIT]’ cp -farv scrapy_project/spiders/settings.py.development scrapy_project/spiders/settings.py echo ‘Updating configuration…[DONE]’ config-homol: echo ‘Updating configuration…[WAIT]’ cp -farv scrapy_project/spiders/settings.py.homologation scrapy_project/spiders/settings.py echo ‘Updating configuration…[DONE]’ config-prod: echo ‘Updating configuration…[WAIT]’ cp -farv scrapy_project/spiders/settings.py.production scrapy_project/spiders/settings.py echo ‘Updating configuration…[DONE]’ config-freelas: echo ‘Updating configuration…[WAIT]’ cp -farv scrapy_project/spiders/settings.py.freelas scrapy_project/spiders/settings.py echo ‘Updating configuration…[DONE]’ exec: docker exec -it $$(docker ps | grep scrapy | awk ‘{print $$1}’) bash

Passing environment variables to Makefile command through an environment


SET_VARIABLES=set -a && source ${ENV_FILE} && set +a &&
@echo 'run: run the app'
@echo 'shell: get a bpython shell into the django app, auto-importing its models (django shell_plus)'
@echo 'notebook: get a jupyter notebook shell into the django app, auto-importing its models (django shell_plus)'
run: migrate
bash -c "${SET_VARIABLES} python manage.py runserver"
bash -c "${SET_VARIABLES} python manage.py shell_plus --ipython"
@echo 'IPython Notebooks can be updated (while running) to reflect changes in a Django application’s code with the menu command Kernel > Restart.'
@echo 'HAVE FUN!'
bash -c "${SET_VARIABLES} python manage.py shell_plus --notebook"

Force DNS update on linux (in the case it is taking too long to do that):

$ sudo systemctl restart nscd

Overriding system binaries with the user ones (e.g., to have a newer tmux version on my home folder):

$ vim ~/.bashrc export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH , then: $ source ~/.bashrc

Colorize json output from curl:

IMPORTANT: For this to work, you must ‘pip install pygments’. The first pipe will pretty print the json, the second one will colorize it $ curl http://localhost:5000/stats | python -m json.tool | pygmentize -l json

bash: given a file with duplicated urls contents, how to generate a new one using the bash utils cut, uniq and sort:

$  cat extra.urls.amostra | cut -d'?' -f 1 | uniq | sort > extra.urls.amostra.UNIQUES
Input file:
Output file:

How to get files permissions in octal on bash:

# stat -c '%A %a %n' /etc/sudoers /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-r--r----- 440 /etc/sudoers
-rw------- 600 /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Linux octal permissions

e[x]ecute...: 1
[w]rite.....: 2
[r]ead......: 4