2017 July 14

For some time I have been writing an ansible playbook to provision a fresh CentOS7 installation with docker and the most secure setup possible. On security regards initially I have just provisioned it with fail2ban, but reading one of the weekly mail lists I subscribe to I have learned about a tool called audit or auditd (these tend to be their names on the package managers, and the systemd service file is usually auditd.service). It is a powerful tool that you can use to monitor specific files or directories for changes (or even reads), with a really amazing level of detail. It also is quite flexible and provides cli tools that can give you reports, help with searching for specific events or even tracing a binary or PID for what it is doing.

  • auditctl: this is where you manage (CRUD) your rules.
  • ausearch: search for events. Sometimes it can be better to pipe its output to aureport, which gives more human digestable information on the events.
  • aureport: Gives human-readable reports of events on your system (e.g., failed login attempts).
  • autrace : analize a process and view the files and system calls used by it. Below I have written a small cheatsheet for each one of these tools:


IMPORTANT: A list of linux syscalls can be obtained here: http://syscalls.kernelgrok.com/

  • See the current status: $ sudo auditctl -s
  • List rules: $ auditctl -l
  • Delete ALL rules: $ auditctl -D
  • Selectively delete rules: $ auditctl -d never,task
  • Watch for a directory: $ auditctl -w /home/user/test_dir/ -k test_watch # args: -w [path-of-directory-to-monitor] -k [tag-to-this-rule-here]
  • Remove a watch: $ auditctl -W /home/user/test_dir -k test_watch
  • Watch for a file: $ auditctl -w /etc/passwd -p wa -k passwd_watch # args: -p [permissions to monitor - [r]ead, [w]rite, e[x]ecute, or [a]tributes. If you do not specify -p, even an ls on the file will trigger an event.
  • Watch for a list of linux kernel syscalls on a given subdirectory: $ sudo auditctl -a always,exit -S adjtimex,settimeofday -F dir=/etc -k time-change # args: -S [list_of_syscalls_here] -F dir=[dir_where_to_monitor_these_syscalls]
  • See all syscalls made by a specific program: $ sudo auditctl -a always,exit -S all -F pid=1005
  • Temporarily disabling the auditing process: $ sudo auditctl -e 0
  • Re-enabling a temporarily disabled auditing process: $ sudo auditctl -e 1
  • Locking the configuration to be immutable, and the daemon to not be stopped: $ sudo auditctl -e 2. You need to reboot the server to be able to change the configuration again or stop the daemon.
  • Put all our rules into a file:
$ vim /etc/audit/rules.d/[choose-a-nice-name-here].rules
-w /home/user/test_dir/ -k test_watch
-w /etc/passwd -p wa -k passwd_watch


  • Search for specific events: $ ausearch -k test_watch # args: -k [tag-to-the-rule-you-want-here]
  • Search for specific events and pipe them through a human readable report: $ ausearch -k test_watch | aureport -f -i
  • Search for a specific event_id: $ sudo ausearch -a 27020


  • Summary report: $ aureport # A high "Number of failed authentications" here e.g. could mean someone trying to access this machine without permission
  • Authentication report: $ aureport -au
  • Authentication report filtering failed attempts: $ aureport -au | grep no
  • Users report: $ aureport -u -i
  • All command executions on the server: $ sudo aureport -x --summary
  • All failed events: $ sudo aureport --failed
  • Files accessed with system calls and usernames (detailed): $ aureport -f -i
  • Files accessed with system calls and usernames (summary): $ aureport -f -i --summary
  • Searching for an event an pipeing it through aureport: $ ausearch -k test_watch | aureport -f -i


  • Trace a binary for all files and system calls used by it: $ sudo sudo autrace /bin/date. It will give you an event_id number. Then, you can search for it and get a more human-readable report. E.g.: $ sudo ausearch -p 27020 --raw | aureport -f -i


https://www.linux.com/learn/customized-file-monitoring-auditd%20 https://www.linux.com/learn/linux-system-monitoring-and-more-auditd https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-the-linux-auditing-system-on-centos-7 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-write-custom-system-audit-rules-on-centos-7