2022 April 22
  • Does recursion have performance benefits over e.g. loops? No. Even so that loops in some situations may be better for performance.

  • Is there any benefit to using recursion? It may be the easiest and most readable (in code) solution for some problems.

  • Which are the 2 cases/parts of a recursive function? The base case and the recursive case.

  • What is the base case on a recursive function? It is the condition where to stop the recursion, to avoid infinite looping.

  • What is the recursive case on a recursive function? It is the condition where a function calls itself.

  • Suppose you need to iterate on something, but you are not allowed to use a for loop. What you could you use? A recursive function (which will need to have a base case).

  • How does the data structure named “stack” works? It acts as a “pile”. When you insert a new item, you insert at the top of the pile (push). When you remove an item, you remove it also from the top of the pile (pop).

  • What is a “call stack”? A call stack is a pile of functions calls, where one function calls another. Every time you add a function to the pile, you add it with its’ name and variables (names and values). When a function finishes its’ execution, it is popped and we go back to the previous function, which now will be at the top of the pile.

  • What happens when you call a function from another? The calling function is paused in a partially completed state, and its’ variables are stored in memory.

  • Explain each element on the call stack for the function below:

def greet(person):
    print(f'Hello {person}!')
    print('Getting ready to say bye...')
  • You add the greet function to the call stack with its’ name and the variable person name and value.
  • Then, the print command is executed and the function is paused.
  • You add the say_how_are_you function to the call stack with its’ name and the variable person name and value.
  • You run the say_how_are_you function and remove it from the call stack when finished.
  • The function greet is resumed, since it now is on the top of the stack.
  • The print command is executed and the greet function is paused again.
  • You add the bye function to the call stack.
  • You run the bye function and remove it from the call stack when finished.
  • The function greet is resumed, since it now is on the top of the stack.
  • Since the greet function has nothing more to do, it finishes and is also removed from the call stack.
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