2022 April 20
  • What is selection sort? It is an algorithm to order elements. You have an original unordered array, and to order it you build a new one. You put elements on the new one iterating on the original, finding at each iteration the smallest number there, and putting the smallest element on the new array.

  • What is the Big-O notation for selection sort? Since you have an unordered list with n elements, and you pass at each one of them n number of times, the Big O notation for this algorithm is: O₍n x n), which is equal to O₍n²₎ .

  • Why is selection sort Big-O notation O₍n²₎, if at each pass through all the original array you remove the smallest element of it, and at the last step there is only one element? That is because Big-O notation only works with integer numbers. So, since there is no way to represent n * 1/2n , you have to round 1/2n to n, getting n * n, which equals .

  • Is Selection Sort the fastest sorting algorithm? If not, is there an example of a faster one? No, it is not. Quicksort is an example of a faster one.

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